...add some wet newspaper...
...a good layer of cow manure...
...plenty of straw...
...some more manure...
...a bit more straw...
...and a good layer of compost.
Repeat three times...
...and add vegetable seedlings.
In actual fact I underestimated how much room I'd need so I still have a number of vegetable seedlings that will need to go in smaller pots, but the majority are planted now and I'm feeling decidedly Mother Earth-ish and content...
Calling all possums... calling all possums... Femina has replanted her garden. I repeat, garden replanted - operation Midnight Feast is GO, Possums, GO!
LOL @ Jen hehe
Good for you!! I hope you get a good harvest :)
Hip Jen is a big meanie. She has been my friend since 1994 and I never knew.
Yay! That is great.
I am sure the possums do not read the comments on blogs so they wont have seen Jen's call to arms...I hope.
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