NaNoWriMo - Day One

It doesn't bode well that I got to about 5pm on day one of National Novel Writing Month and thought, "Oh yeah... I'm meant to be writing."  As you can tell, I'm tremendously excited and couldn't wait to get started. :D

I've gone into this flying completely by the seat of my pants. I have no plans. I have no plot outline. I have no defined characters. I don't know what's going to happen or how it all ends. Ends? I'm not even sure how it starts.  Nevertheless, my word count is 1,784. You need to write 1,667 per day to make it to 50,000 by 30 November so I'm ahead. Where I'll be in a week from now, and what will be on the page, is anyone's guess... whatever you do, don't ask ME. I have no idea.

And no, I'm not uploading any of it.


Scurrette said...

awww. Methinks I'd quite like to read it!

Joce said...

That's so funny... the timing! I got a new "novel" idea last week and started writing last night! I need to do research, but I just couldn't help myself... Here it goes again...!! Just write (dammit)

Givinya De Elba said...

darn - i sorta wanted to read ....

Femina said...

Okay, well the truth is the thing I'm writing at the moment is only kinda-sorta a novel... and kinda-sorta therapy, which is why I don't want to share it. Ages ago, after reading a great book called "Writing as a Way of Healing", I was experimenting with writing my experiences and feelings in a semi-fictional way. That is, they're in the third person, my name is different, and part of it was a series of letters to another fictional person. At the time it was the only way I could cope with talking about things that had happened to me and particularly how I felt about them. So the 'novel' is like an extension of that. I'm switching between narrative and letters, and I'm adding some things that are purely fictional... plus the protagonist is deliberately different from me in a few key ways.

However, given that much of it is still intensely emotional and personal stuff, I'm not sure I'll be able to sustain it for the whole month. We'll see. I'd like to, because I'm finding it helpful.

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

I am so impressed that you are planning to write so much. I am sure you will do well.

I am with Kate though - it would be nice to read it. Talking about it and not letting us see it is just a pure tease! But given the subject matter I completely understand why you want to keep it to yourself - just promise that if you ever get it published you will send us a copy first!

Femina said...

I promise if I ever have a book published, my blogging friends will get advance copies... because let's face it, you'll probably appear in it in some form anyway! ;)

Hippomanic Jen said...

And that's the end of my visits to Cassa Verba...
(Only joking)

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