Kill me now

It's 10.25pm and it's 36C degrees here in Melbourne (that's 96.8F).  We're expecting three more days of temperatures over 40C (104F).

I don't have an air conditioner in my house.

The fan is not cutting it.




Hippomanic Jen said...

I'm so sorry about the heat, and it's even worse when it doesn't cool down at night. I hope your office is air-conditioned (but I know that churches often aren't).

I'd send down a little blast of cool if I could, but you just might have to take up residence in the fridge section of Coles. Oh, what, you live in civilization where you CAN'T access the coldroom? They have actual fridges that you have to open, and you can't fit inside? That's a problem.

Femina said...

At least it's dry heat, and it's really only like this about 15 days in the whole year so I shouldn't complain too much. I'll still complain, of course, but I shouldn't. I'll complain in winter too... I'm an all-seasons whinger!

My office is not air conditioned but the building is double brick and it's quite cool. I have the fan going but not blasting and it's quite pleasant. I should bring a mattress down and sleep here tonight.

Err... no, I can't access the coldroom. My local Woolworths has those big long chest freezer things that don't have a lid, they're just open at the top, so I could go and hurl myself on top of the Magnums.

D.M. Cornish said...

Mmmm, a bed of cold cold Magnums...

D.M. Cornish said...

... also: howdid you get such a snazzy design with those cool date boxes and the site search device?!?!

Femina said...

David - I found the template here:

I'll warn you though, I lost all my links and other things and had to do a bit of finagling to get it the way I wanted (and it's still not quite right but the best I could do).

Mmmm... Magnums...

dr maya vale said...

Well, I'm off to Sydney tomorrow... ask me when I get back if I prefer dry roasting in Melbourne or steaming in Sydney...

Femina said...

I already know what you prefer and the following is not directed at you. Stop reading if you're squeamish.

I am SO SICK of hearing people say "But at least it's dry heat." I've heard that about 20 times in the last couple of days and it's RUBBISH. It's NOT dry heat - there is less humidity but it doesn't disappear completely and in any case it's no comfort to me to hear that other people might be worse off. That's like saying, "Sure, your leg is broken, but at least it wasn't ripped off by a bear." That may be true but it doesn't actually stop my broken leg hurting, does it?

I don't care if it's dry heat. 40 degrees outside = about 45 degrees inside my house and that's fucking unbearable as far as I'm concerned.

/unladylike language

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

lol at your comment Femina.

dry heat..hehehe

Femina said...

Oh, and I'm well aware that I said "At least it's dry heat" just a few comments up, but that was when I was trying to be upbeat and optimistic. I've had a good lie down since then and thankfully that phase has now passed.

Yes, that's right. The heat has sent me around the twist. To be honest, it wasn't a very long journey.

Swift Jan said...

I hope the heat wave goes soon!! It's been all over the news up here! I feel sorry for you southerners!! Send it our way if you want :D (people will curse me for saying that!)

Melissa... said...

Thank you for the conversion! I still can't wrap my brain around you enjoying summertime in our winter. It's been in the 30's and 40's here but in ferenheit. We had snow a couple days ago. I dread everytime I hear the heat come on because it costs so much to heat the home.

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