Number of days until I move house excluding moving day itself: 5
Number of days until I move house excluding moving day and days I'm at work or church: 3.5
Amount of stuff not yet packed: most of house
Level of panic: moderate
Level of denial about time left to pack vs. packing still to be done: enormous
Amount of sleep I expect to get in the next week: minimal
Level of excitement about the new place even taking into account the above factors: HUGE!
...watching your housemate go crazy doing all the stuff you're procrastinating yourself? PRICELESS
there are some things money can't buy. for joy in the discomfiture of others, there's schadenfreude...
until, of course, it's your turn!
(your housemate)
Your time will come...
The problem is I'm going crazy but not actually doing all the stuff I should have done already. It seems like a waste of craziness.
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