The problem with the 'don't worry about it yet' approach is that I'm apparently too good at it. I'm so good at it that I actually forgot my brother was living at my mum and dad's house... so imagine my shock when I was chatting with my mother on the phone yesterday and suddenly my brother's voice came on the line. Let me add some context here - I haven't seen my brother face-to-face for at least two years. I haven't heard his voice in that time either. What I have done in the last two years is talk about 20 years of abuse. I've had nightmares and flashbacks. I've had frightening anxiety attacks. I've experienced depression. I've struggled. Of course, my brother is not directly to blame for these things - and in fact seeking to lay blame anywhere is unhelpful - but he is certainly a massive factor in it all and I was not ready to hear his voice on the phone. (I should add that he wasn't speaking to me and didn't even know it was me on the phone; he just picked up the downstairs extension because he wanted to tell my mother something and couldn't be bothered walking upstairs.)
When I heard his voice I started shaking and experienced other symptoms of anxiety. I had a long bath and did a few anxiety-management techniques and eventually I was fine. I slept well last night and felt pretty good today so I assumed I was over the shock of hearing his voice. Well, until this afternoon....
I made choc-chip cookies...
...and then some gluten-free dark chocolate brownies...
...and then some Mars Bar slice.
Uh.... comfort cooking, anyone?
(I haven't actually eaten any of this and will give most of it away. No, really. I swear!)
You can be forgiven for eating ALL of the mars bar slice! YUM!!!
I am home sick today and could really do with some comfort eating. They all look yum!
RE: your brother, maybe it is almost time to talk to you parents about it?
Unfortunately by the time it all finished cooking the smell of chocolate was making me feel sick! (I should be over it by tonight, though...)
Knowing my parents as I do, I am quite sure they would never acknowledge my brother's actions as abuse and it would cause a rift that could never be repaired. Our relationship is shaky at best but we're holding it together. It wouldn't survive that kind of revelation. I've discussed this with my counsellor at length... I really believe it's better not to talk with my parents about it.
I believe I could help with the over-supply of chocolate.
My address is...
Oh, public blog. Never mind
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